Traveling With Your Dogs: How Difficult (or Not) It Is

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Many families don’t even go on vacations because they assume that they cannot take their dogs with them. For most families, not being able to bring their dogs is no vacation at all. They also believe that they need a truckload of cash to cover the cost of traveling with pets. This offers only two options: to spend a huge amount of money to travel with pets or to find a sitter who can look after their furbabies while they are away.

Both of these are impossible because most families have limited resources and do not want to leave their dogs with a sitter. With research and some extra planning, you can take your furry friends with you on an adventure of a lifetime. It’s not as difficult as you once thought it is. Here’s how:

Training Your Dogs

The first thing you need to do when you welcome dogs into your home is to take them to a board and train school. These dog schools will take care of your dogs for at least two weeks to one month while they train them on different aspects. The training also includes making them behave while they are in a car, train, or plane. Investing in their training will make it easy for you to travel with them in the future.

Make Traveling Normal

Sudden long-distance travel is going to be a problem the first time. The way around this is to make it normal for the dogs to travel. One of the things you can do is to take them on short trips, such as an excursion to the bank or the mall or the public park. Make riding the car as normal for dogs as possible. This way, they’ll get so used to moving vehicles that being inside trains and planes will not be a problem anymore.

dog in a car ready for travel

Prepare a Traveling Kit

You have your travel bags with you. Your pets should have theirs, too. At the very least, during long-distance drives, your dogs need a leash, food bowl, waste scoop, plastic bags, medication, and their favorite toys. If you are traveling on a plane, they need their dog passports, travel documents, medications, and vaccination records. Taking their vaccination records with you all the time is a must because some establishments don’t allow dogs unless they are sure of their updated vaccinations.

Review All the Rules

Flying with your dogs isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Airlines have certain restrictions about the breeds they allow in the cargo and the cabin. If they are small enough to fit in a carrier, they are usually allowed in the cabin. Otherwise, they have to fly alongside other types of cargo. Just make sure the pilot knows there’s a dog in the cargo area. This way, the temperature there can be set to cool.

Are you making a stopover or a layover? What happens to your dogs then? Will airports allow them to roam around with you? Make certain of the rules before you rush to book those tickets.

It’s More Normal Than You Think

Traveling with dogs is more normal than you think. A 2018 survey showed that there are more than 89 million dogs in the United States. That was an increase of 56% since 1988. Clearly, people love having dogs with them at home. Of that number, 37% of pet owners are traveling with their dogs. Worldwide, over four million live animals travel every year.

These are figures that you cannot deny. It shows one thing: people and families can travel with their dogs whether on land, sea, or air. It’s just a matter of knowing your rights, your dogs’ rights, and preparing them for the journey.

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