Tree Trimming 101: the Importance of Pruning Your Trees

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Tree trimming and tree pruning are an essential part of any successful tree care program in Sandy, as they help stimulate the growth and retain the natural appearance of your trees, as well as sustain your tree’s health. You can do the trimming yourself if you know what you’re doing. However, if you trim incorrectly, you might end up severely damaging your trees. Trimming and pruning involve a deep understanding of tree biology so that you can effectively recognize plant flaws and skillfully eliminate or minimize those defects without causing any irreparable damage to your trees. You also need to masterfully trim the dead branches while shaping your tree so that it can blend well with your landscape.

Why Do You Need to Prune Your Trees?

The three primary reasons why trees are trimmed are safety, aesthetics, and health.

  • Safety. Broken or dead branches pose a serious safety hazard, as they can fall off anytime. Likewise, branches that block your view while driving should also be trimmed away. Tree branches and limbs that grow too close to utility lines should also be removed.
  • Aesthetics. Pruning is necessary to maintain the shape and appearance of a tree. However, too much trimming can result in an unnatural size or shape and even seriously damage the tree.
  • Health. You might think that an infected tree is a goner, but it’s still possible to save it by strategically trimming away the affected limbs and branches. You can also improve airflow by thinning the crown of a tree. Additionally, it might be in your best interest to remove branches or limbs that cross or rub against each other, as they might unexpectedly fall off.

The Benefits of Tree Pruning and Trimming

Tree care experts have biological expertise and understanding when it comes to trimming or pruning trees. Here are more benefits of having your trees pruned and trimmed:

  • A stronger and healthier tree with a longer lifespan
  • Less dangerous and unhealthy branches
  • Allows more sunshine to penetrate for lusher undergrowth
  • Stronger bark and branches that help protect your home against high winds and storms
  • Increased resistance to diseases and tree pests

When Is It Time to Call a Professional Arborist?

An Arborist trimming a maple tree

If you’re adept at handling tree pruning tools, then you probably can handle most of your pruning needs. However, even if you are a seasoned DIYer, there are still instances when you might need the help of a professional arborist. Such cases include:

  • The branches are too close or already touching your house
  • Your tree is too close to power lines
  • There are dead or loose hanging branches
  • It has been three years since your trees were last pruned or trimmed.

Removing weak, diseased, or dead branches is an excellent way to ensure the health of your tree and the safety of the people who live around it. However, you should also be very careful when pruning infected branches. Some tree diseases can spread to other trees, as the wound in the tree can allow pathogens to escape. With that said, it is still best to hire professional tree care experts, as they know more about pruning trees and the best time to do so.

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