Ways To Prevent and Treat Maskne Problems

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One of the problems we are facing today is the spread of the Covid-19 virus. To prevent the spread of the virus, many people are now wearing face masks. While this may be effective in preventing the spread of the virus, it can also harm our skin.

The most famous problem is maskne or mask-induced acne. This is caused by the occlusion of the pores by the mask and the build-up of sebum, sweat, and bacteria. The good news is that this problem is preventable, and there are treatments available to help clear up existing acne.

The incidence of skin reactions related to face masks was determined to be 454 cases (54.5%), with acne being the most frequent at 399, followed by rashes on the face and itching symptoms, which were 130. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), when utilizing a surgical mask, there is an increased danger of having a negative encounter due to irritation or infection

So, what can you do to take care of your skin and treat maskne?

Wash your face before putting on a mask

Before putting your mask on, make a point to wash your face with tepid water and a delicate cleanser. Doing this will help remove any dirt, oil, or sweat that may be sitting on the surface of your skin. It will also prep your skin for the mask, which will help to prevent irritation.

In addition, you can use a lip balm to help keep your lips hydrated. If you are experiencing acne, you can use a benzoyl peroxide wash or spot treatment.

Change your mask regularly

If you are using a cloth mask, wash it after each use. If you use a disposable mask, throw it away after each use. And don’t use a mask that you already used. It will just cause more irritation to your skin.

If you can, take breaks from wearing a mask. After removing your face mask, wash your face with tepid water and a gentle cleanser. This will help to remove any dirt or bacteria that may be on your skin.

Avoid touching your face

Your hands are one of the dirtiest places; if you touch your face with them, all the germs and bacteria will just transfer to your skin and cause breakouts. It’s important to avoid touching your face when wearing a mask. If you do touch your face, make sure to wash your hands immediately. So make sure to wash your hands regularly.

If your skin problems don’t improve or if it worsens, consult a dermatologist.

How can a dermatologist help prevent maskne?

There are several ways that dermatologists can help treat acne caused by face masks. Here are some of the treatments that your dermatologist may recommend:

Facial treatments

A facial treatment is a procedure performed in a dermatologist’s office. It involves the use of different medications, including:

  • Topical corticosteroids are medications applied to the skin. They help to reduce inflammation and redness.
  • Antibiotics are medications taken orally or applied to the skin. They help to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

A woman undergoing a facial light therapy in a derma clinic.

Light therapy

Light therapy is a procedure performed in a dermatologist’s office. It helps to improve the skin’s appearance by reducing inflammation and redness.

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment that uses light to improve the appearance of the skin. It is often used to treat acne, psoriasis, and eczema. There are two types of light therapy:

  • Acne can be treated in three ways with broadband light therapy. It emits shorter wavelengths of light, such as those in the blue-light spectrum, to combat acne-causing germs in sebaceous glands and on the skin’s surface. The redness in acne can be reduced by a second red filter, which also decreases deeper acne scars. A third filter focuses on oil production and sebaceous gland function.
  • Skin inflammation, particularly acne vulgaris-induced inflammation, is reduced with narrowband UVB wavelengths combined with UVA radiation. Exposure is done in brief bursts every two to three weeks, depending on the severity of the problem.


Laser treatment is a common way to treat acne. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses light beams to clear the skin. The laser targets the pore where the acne is located and destroys the bacteria that cause the acne. In addition, it also helps to shrink the oil gland and reduce the amount of oil produced.

Some laser treatments you can have are fractional CO2 laser, laser ablation, and pulsed dye laser. The result of laser treatment is typically seen over a few months.

Dermal fillers

Many individuals suffer from acne scars, and it causes immense emotional distress. Fear not; an effective dermal filler treatment can help. Dermal fillers are products injected into the skin to fill in the scars and smooth out the skin. There are several types of dermal fillers, including:

  • Collagen is a protein that may be found in the skin. Collagen aids your skin’s natural healing by promoting quicker cell renewal and recovery from blemishes.
  • Fat is an essential element of the body’s makeup. It may be utilized to fill in scars. Fat is harvested from your body and injected into your acne scars, which makes this treatment considerably more involved than traditional filler injections.
  • Hyaluronic acid, a substance found in the skin, increases hydration and reduces the appearance of acne scars. It can effectively reduce moderate to severe acne scarring without adverse effects.

All in all

Understandably, some people may find it challenging to cope with the skin problems caused by face masks. However, there are many ways to prevent and treat these problems. You just have to find the proper treatment for you. And, if all else fails, don’t forget that you can always consult a dermatologist to find the best course of action for your skin.


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