Death isn’t an easy conversation that we like to have with anyone, much less ourselves. But it’s an inevitable fact of life and it will happen to everyone at some point, so the more that’s said and done about it now, the less we need to worry about when the time comes.
Many people will say that you should focus more on staying alive than planning on being dead—but as any funeral service provider from Roy to Montana might tell you, that’s a silly argument to make. There’s a ton of things your loved ones will need to take care of once you pass away, and the least you can do is to make that job easier for them.
That is why advance funeral planning exists. As a network of systems, companies, and plans to make sure your death is lighter for everyone, this aims to give you some autonomy over what to do once you’re dead.
Medical and legal concerns
One of the biggest worries that people always run into when a loved one passes away is the medical and legal paperwork that they need to process. There’s a couple of reasons so much paperwork is required, but the gist of it is that the systems in place (government benefits, bank statements, wills, and so on) require proof of your deceased status before kicking into place.
Medical reasons, such as being an organ donor or having your body used for science, are rapidly becoming a concern of most people with their loved ones. Specifying what should be done with your body is a key part of advance funeral planning, and can save your loved ones from headaches when done properly.
Business and administrative concerns
If you’re an essential part of your business—say, you’re in charge of the entire company’s operations—, you might have been approached by your board with an insurance plan. This isn’t really out of any malice. Since your contributions are essential to how the business is run, your loss, expected or otherwise, can and will have discernible effects. It’s their way of protecting the company and everything you’ve built.
This is true for all businesses, from corporations to family-run stores. There can often be a lot of paperwork to process if you haven’t handled this aspect well. Advance funeral planning can help you identify these spots and come up with plans on how to deal with them accordingly.
Financial concerns and inheritance
Finally, matters of finances and inherited wealth are complications that can arise when your death isn’t planned for. While there are general rules and guidelines to follow when it comes to distribution of assets, these can often vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and may not always follow what you wish.
Furthermore, if you don’t specify a way to distribute your assets accordingly, you can be leaving a quagmire of family conflicts in the wake of your departure. Since you can’t speak for yourself, it’s possible that your possessions could be a potential source of friction for your family members—certainly something that they don’t need in the middle of grieving.
After everything has been said and done, it’s important to realize that having a sincere, honest talk about what to do in the event of your passing is necessary. Not only does it make sure those you leave behind can rest easy with your advance funeral plans; it also gives you the assurance that you’ll be sent off the way you wish.