Don’t Get Stuck: 3 Wedding Worries That are Totally Reasonable Yet Overcomeable

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In one way or another, someone has perhaps told you that you shouldn’t worry about anything in your wedding. It’s good advice, but chances are, you didn’t take it. And to be honest, that’s okay. Because it’s totally okay, reasonable even, to worry. This is the biggest day of your life, so you have the license to think about the worst case scenario. What’s not okay though is to get stuck at your anxieties. You should have an action plan as part of your preps to put out those worries. These are some common fears that are totally reasonable, yet totally overcomeable:

Rain pouring down

Bad weather indeed ruins everything. It casts a gloomy backdrop at your otherwise-joyful celebration. It leaves your entourage soaked. And sometimes, it simply makes some of your guests unable to come. The thing about weather is that it’s unpredictable. Even though forecasts say that it will be sunny on your date, you’ll never know what will happen on the actual day. The fix for this is to have a Plan B that’s equally good as your main, something that won’t compromise your event vision. The key aspect you should be looking out for in creating this plan B is your venue. If you’re planning to hold the ceremony outdoors, make sure that there’s a function room or a covered area that’s on standby, in case the weather goes bad. Don’t forget to inform all your wedding vendors as well about the plan B. The last thing you want in the middle of bad weather is suppliers going confused, so keep everyone on your team informed.

Someone not showing up

Wedding guests drinking champagneLike the caterer, the band, or the photographer. This is one of those horrors that can keep you up at night. It rarely happens, yes, but there are indeed cases when bridesmaids had to scramble through their contacts for last-minute photographer booking. There are two things you should do to avoid this dreadful dilemma. One, make sure to work with experienced professionals only. These are the vendors who will have provisions for instances when they won’t be able to go to the actual wedding day. Two, talk to your vendors regularly weeks before the big event. A professional photographer in Detroit, as MI-based wedding planners explain, will maintain close communication with you days leading up to the event to iron out details of your photography vision for the ceremony. In cases where a photographer or a vendor doesn’t respond days before the wedding, take it as a cue to find a replacement fast. Handle the legal matters with your former vendor later on.

You tripping or waking up to zits

The worst wedding nightmares are those about you yourself. Like for example, stumbling while walking down the aisle because of sheer nervousness, not getting the right regal bridal look because you have a big pimple on your nose, or not fitting into your dress. What you need here are two PS: practice and professionals. Wear your wedding shoes at home every now and then so you can break into them and get used to it. Get into the habit of good skin care as well as a workout routine, too. Try to know as much as you can about the makeup artists and seamstresses in your list of options before hiring one. The best ones are those who can do magic on face foundations and stitches.

It’s totally fine to be a worrier-bride, but don’t let your anxieties paralyze you. Take action as early as now to keep the worst case scenario at bay.

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