Health Conditions That Interfere with the Menstrual Cycle

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Any woman in Provo or any other parts of the U.S. and the world has had problems related to their menstrual cycle. A young woman can discover that her irregular period is caused by;hypothyroidism;during a checkup, or a mother can discover that their period stopped earlier than it should because of PCOS.

The menstrual cycle can be affected by changes in the body’s hormone production or balance. The following diseases are just some of the conditions that can disrupt monthly periods.

Hypothyroidism or Underactive Thyroid

The thyroid is responsible for producing thyroid hormones, which are used by the body to regulate its use of energy.;Hypothyroidism;occurs when the butterfly-shaped organ in your throat produces fewer hormones to sustain your bodily functions. Fertility and the health of a pregnant mother can be threatened by untreated hypothyroidism.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;or PCOS affects one in every ten women of childbearing age. Minors as young as 15 to women up the age of 44 can develop this condition. Symptoms attributed to PCOS are typically linked to other diseases, making it more difficult to diagnose. The condition is not limited to certain races or ethnicity. Obese individuals of those whose matrilineal line have PCOS are more at risk.

PCOS affects a woman’s ability to bear children. Ovaries are unable to release eggs on time and may develop fluid-filled sacs or cysts. An irregular menstrual cycle, the development of dark skin along neck creases, groin, too much or thinning hair, weight gain, and acne are some of the symptoms of the disease.


woman in pain

Painful menstrual cycles may actually be a symptom of endometriosis. The painful condition happens when the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus—the endometrium—forms outside of it. The tissue may cover ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic tissue. Endometrium may even grow beyond the pelvic organs in rare cases.

Dysmenorrhea can be a painful symptom of endometriosis. Painful material excretion or sexual intercourse is also a horrid consequence of the disease. In the worst-case scenario, a woman experiencing endometriosis may also be rendered infertile.


Prolactinoma occurs when a;tumor;around the brain area produces too much of the hormone prolactin. Ovaries cannot produce as much estrogen as the body needs if there is too much prolactin in the body. Without the right level of estrogen, the vagina can be dried out, periods can become irregular, and a woman’s fertility is affected.


Diabetes affects the menstrual cycle through its unique relationship with a body’s sugar levels. These levels may drop for some women or shoot up in others. The effect periods have on sugar levels is enormous, as hormones related to the cycle can make your body temporarily resistant to insulin.

When in doubt, always have a checklist ready to see if your period is normal for your health condition. Luckily, for these conditions, a trustworthy doctor will be able to provide the help you need. Hypothyroidism, PCOS, and other hormonal conditions can be managed or treated with the right combination of prescription drugs and professional guidance.

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